A library of all things Newfoundland.
Located on the second floor of the Inn, the Library features an extensive collection of fiction and non-fiction works pertaining to the history and culture of Newfoundland and Canada. Many of the books in the Library originated from the private collection of the late Dr. Leslie Harris, former president of Memorial University of Newfoundland. Dr. Harris possessed a superb personal collection of Newfoundlandia, including a wonderful range of materials pertaining to rural Newfoundland life, the fisheries, wildlife, and the sea.
The Inn’s collection was further expanded when Harry and Doreen Cuff added to the Library by donating a copy of every book they published in their long history of publishing Newfoundland books through Harry Cuff Publications Limited. The resulting Library is a rich and meaningful assemblage of works that can help orient guests to all that Fogo Island and Newfoundland have to offer.