Solo Travel
There are no strangers here.
When you leave, you'll be leaving home.
Retreat in Solitude
Retreat in solitude and reconnect with yourself, here, at one of the four corners of the Earth. Fogo Island is one of the safest places for solo travel, and is a haven for those looking to forge their own paths over the 420-million-year-old rocks, commune with nature and culture, and uncover fresh perspectives through new relationships made with the people of this place. Solitary explorers seeking an otherworldly sense of repose will find quiet contemplation amidst landscapes that often feel like another planet.
Solo adventurers will find themselves in a still-wild world: clambering along ancient coastlines, following animal tracks through snow or along beaches, and traipsing across the 200 km of paths, routes, and trails that criss-cross the Island. Depending on the season, wander the hills picking berries (you won’t have to share), snowshoe across blindingly white barrens, or perch by the ocean counting the whales and icebergs that dot the horizon. All outings can also be spent in the company of Community Hosts.
There is no need to dine alone every night… unless that is the preference. There is always a communal supper table to join. Evenings can be spent relaxing by a roaring woodstove engrossed in a book, or honing new skills under the watchful eye of a master quilter or tart maker. Of course, the rooftop sauna and hot tubs await, providing the ultimate venue for unwinding in indulgent seclusion.